Thursday, November 30, 2006


I have a migraine that won't quit. I'd love to be in bed right now, but John is out doing some shopping so I have to watch the kids until he gets back. Hopefully he'll be back soon so I can go to bed.

Today is my best friend, Lesa, and my godchild, Jude's, birthdays. I hope they both had a Wonderful day today. I hate living so far away from Lesa. I really miss her. Maybe one day we'll live closer to each other. I think it's amazing that we've remained close considered we're so far away. Sometimes I wish we were really close like when we were in high school, but I realize we both have our own families now and it's not about us anymore. We have the "R" word. Responsibility. (You know, like having a migraine but still having to take care of the kids). Who knew growing up and being a wife and mother would require so much responsibility. Okay, my head hurts too much to be getting this "deep". Gotta go check Samantha's homework.

Toodles (WOW, that was a blast from the past that came out of nowhere. Must have been the talking about Lesa and high school).

Wednesday, November 29, 2006

What now?

Okay, I have no idea what to write about. I told myself I would try and write everyday. However, I don't really have much to say about my day. It was quite a typical day. There I go. I'll write my typical day.
6:00am - Up and at em. Shower and get ready for work. Brush Samantha's hair and hound her to brush her teeth.
8:00am - Start work
6:00pm - meet John and kids at Mexican restaurant. Wasn't that great tonight.
7:30pm - review and sign Samantha's school papers
8:00pm - play a few rounds of spider solitaire and/or mahjongg, check emails, web surf and blog time. I'm thinking of going play in my scrap room since Samantha actually finished all her homework at school (WAIT... tomorrow is test day. Gotta round Samantha up for study time. She THOUGHT she was being sneaky by saying she finished all her work at school. She almost got me).
10:00 - Ahhhh, off to bed. I love to sleep. I could easily sleep my life away given the chance. I must have been a cat in some former life. Cat's have the life.

Tuesday, November 28, 2006

Karate Tuesday

Brought Samantha to karate after school/work. They had weapons tonight. She was very intense in class, not flighty like she often is. I think it was because Sensei Stacey was her instructor tonight. She likes her. I told her at supper that she was the owner and Samantha's eyes got wide. I figured she knew that. Maybe she did, but she'd forgotten. I told her to always make sure she pays close attention when it's Sensei Stacey because she decides when it's time for the students to advance to their next belt. Hopefully Samantha will be testing for her blue belt in December. She was supposed to test this month, but missed too many classes due to holiday traffic, Halloween closures, etc. She probably wasn't ready to advance anyway. The extra month will make her testing next month more deserving.

Monday, November 27, 2006

It's beginning to look a lot like Christmas!

Well, we put the tree up yesterday (after the Saints game, of course) AND decorated it. Yeah, baby! I love decorating for Christmas. I especially love decorating for Christmas the weekend after Thanksgiving. It's been a while since we've done it this early. Don't know what got into my hubby this weekend, but hopefully he keeps it up! I love to just sit and look at the tree. Looking at all the ornaments and thinking back to when we got them.
The kids had a really good time helping put up the ornaments. Benjamin is having a hard time understanding the difference between toys and ornaments. Can't say I really blame him. Hard to understand why there's Incredibles, Disney Cars, Monsters Inc, Nemo, etc "ornaments" hanging on a tree. This is pretty much John's Disney tree with mostly Disney ornaments on it. I did manage to sneak a few nutcracker and Santa ornaments on it. It's gotta reflect pieces of me, too. Right? That's enough typing for now. Now, I'm off to stare at my tree. And what a lovely tree it is. If I do say so myself. Now, if the weather would only cool off a little bit (it's 74 right now) so I could drink a cup of hot chocolate. Now, THAT would be heaven.

Saturday, November 25, 2006

Easter Layout finished

John took the kids over to visit his parents tonight. This gave me some time to go play in my scrapbook room. I was able to finally finish up an Easter layout I started a few months back. Samantha's layout will be just like it but will have more Pink embellishments.

Thanks for looking. Enjoy.

I'm So Happy

So Very Happy. I guess I'm actually happy for 2 things. 1st is that I'm 3 for 3 in posting on my new blog. Woo Hoo. So far I'm really liking it, except I can't figure out how to post a pic of myself in my heading. That's kind of why I posted the cookbook photo. That worked fine. Maybe I'm just not supposed to have a pic of myself up there for the world to see. I'll keep working on that.

The real reason I'm so happy is because... My wonderful hubby went out and rented a rug doctor. I'm LOVING my freshly cleaned carpets. I was seriously starting to think about painting some spots all over it to convert my carpet into a leopard spotted carpet. Sounds gross I know, but I was getting desperate. Don't know what the heck we were thinking in choosing off white carpets with 2 kids. Actually Samantha was older and it was when we thought she was gonna be our one and only. Had we known we were gonna have a lil Benjamin we probably would have gone with another color. Although I couldn't have imagined in my wildest dreams he would have been as active and rambunctious as he is. Samantha was so passive and calm. Talk about opposites.

Anyway, I really am so happy. Who knew a freshly cleaned carpet would make me so happy? I owe John big time for this one. I didn't even ask, he did it all on his own. Gotta love that man!

Friday, November 24, 2006

Thanksgiving Feast?!?!?

I received an email from a new email friend. She asked if I was cooking a feast for Thanksgiving. This caused John and I to burst out laughing. It made me realize this new email friend of mine (and my scrapbook idol) really knows nothing about me other than I'm drawn to her work and that she's my favorite scrapbook designer. I guess that gives me another reason for creating this blog. To allow others to get to know me a little better.

Now, to answer my new friends question.... Absolutely not. I don't cook because I can't cook. Being the youngest of 8 children, we were always shooed out of the kitchen. The kitchen was my mom's place. I never learned how to cook. So, when John and I got married we ate a lot of fast food. After work one of us would pick up burgers, chicken, pizza, taco bell, etc. I remember wanting to be domestic when we first got married. My Mom told me spaghetti was one of the easiest things to make. So that's what I tried first. To say it was horrible would be an understatement. Undercooked spaghetti and very tangy sauce. Part of the problem was I keep trying to "fix" it, but just kept making it worse. My second cooking attempt was chicken breast. I'd cook each side a few minutes and turn. I couldn't understand why the chicken wouldn't darken. I guess I thought I was frying it. Don't ask, I had absolutely no idea what the heck I was doing. All I know is it was practically impossible to cut it with a knife and took wayyy more than the recommended 50 chews per bite to be able to swallow it. We ended up throwing it outside for the animals (we lived out in the country). A couple days later it was still out there. Even the opossum and armidillos wouldn't eat it. I think that's when I stopped trying. I did heat the occassional frozen lasagna or such. John eventually started cooking. Luckily for both of us, he enjoyed it and was pretty darn good at it.

So, to make up for my lack of cooking abilities I started collecting cook books. I was determined to learn how to cook. The problem was I'd follow the instructions, but it still didn't taste right. I gave up learning how to cook, but still buy the occassional cookbook. I guess that's one of my many quirks. I collect cookbooks, but don't cook. How weird is that?!?!?

Thursday, November 23, 2006

So Here Goes...

It's me. I'm finally doing it. I've thought of creating a blog, but never really given it too much thought. Tonight I decided to google blogs and said what the heck. Seems easy enough. Just create it and see how it goes. If all goes well I'll continue to post thoughts, post pics, opinions (we all know I have plenty!) and hopefully post a few scrapbook layouts. Maybe that will be my motivation to actually do and/or complete some layouts. Win-Win situation, right? Well, we'll just have to wait and see.

Happy Thanksgiving everyone. Hope everyone is comfortably stuffed.