Friday, November 24, 2006

Thanksgiving Feast?!?!?

I received an email from a new email friend. She asked if I was cooking a feast for Thanksgiving. This caused John and I to burst out laughing. It made me realize this new email friend of mine (and my scrapbook idol) really knows nothing about me other than I'm drawn to her work and that she's my favorite scrapbook designer. I guess that gives me another reason for creating this blog. To allow others to get to know me a little better.

Now, to answer my new friends question.... Absolutely not. I don't cook because I can't cook. Being the youngest of 8 children, we were always shooed out of the kitchen. The kitchen was my mom's place. I never learned how to cook. So, when John and I got married we ate a lot of fast food. After work one of us would pick up burgers, chicken, pizza, taco bell, etc. I remember wanting to be domestic when we first got married. My Mom told me spaghetti was one of the easiest things to make. So that's what I tried first. To say it was horrible would be an understatement. Undercooked spaghetti and very tangy sauce. Part of the problem was I keep trying to "fix" it, but just kept making it worse. My second cooking attempt was chicken breast. I'd cook each side a few minutes and turn. I couldn't understand why the chicken wouldn't darken. I guess I thought I was frying it. Don't ask, I had absolutely no idea what the heck I was doing. All I know is it was practically impossible to cut it with a knife and took wayyy more than the recommended 50 chews per bite to be able to swallow it. We ended up throwing it outside for the animals (we lived out in the country). A couple days later it was still out there. Even the opossum and armidillos wouldn't eat it. I think that's when I stopped trying. I did heat the occassional frozen lasagna or such. John eventually started cooking. Luckily for both of us, he enjoyed it and was pretty darn good at it.

So, to make up for my lack of cooking abilities I started collecting cook books. I was determined to learn how to cook. The problem was I'd follow the instructions, but it still didn't taste right. I gave up learning how to cook, but still buy the occassional cookbook. I guess that's one of my many quirks. I collect cookbooks, but don't cook. How weird is that?!?!?

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